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May 25, 2011



Thanks, Taylor, for keeping your internet friends up on your health trial. Very moving. I hate that you need chemo, but I'm so glad there is treatment. Someday soon, you'll once again be distracting sexy doctors from thinking about just medicine. You have all my best hopes for a speedy recovery and a complete remission.

Toddy English

Echoing Greg...
Thank you for keeping us abreast. Good luck through this dude.
Toddy English.

Liberator Émigré Éire

I sent your boo a message on Facebook asking him to convey my love and best wishes.

I didn't think you'd be around to receive my virtual mail. Should've known better.

Taylor, you're a giant amongst men. Fight this thing. You're so important. You're needed. I know you'll beat it.



Hope all goes well.

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