Hide your kids! Hide your wife! Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee just admitted that he wants to force his brand of Christianity on everyone, or more specifically, David Barton's loony-tunes theories of America as a Christian nation on everyone, "at gunpoint".
Though some smarter than American's aspiring Mullah-In-Chief tried to edit that part of Huckabee's speech away, they were sh*t out of luck.
"I had watched Huckabee’s speech. How on earth could I have missed a statement like that? Well, I didn’t. It had been edited out of the webcast that I had watched.
Kyle Mantyla over at PFAW’s Right Wing Watch had recorded Huckabee’s speech when it was streamed live on Thursday, and posted the ‘forced at gunpoint’ clip on Friday. By Saturday, when I watched the webcast on the United in Purpose website, that part of Huckabee’s speech had been edited out."
Here's the unedited version.
AlterNet -- Huckabee has just been caught on video, at a Christian supremacist conference, stating that Americans should be forcibly indoctrinated at gunpoint. The organization which hosted the “Rediscover God In America” conference, United in Purpose, has edited Huckabee’s comment from footage of his speech, but not before People For The American Way’s Kyle Mantyla captured the unedited footage, in which Mike Huckabee states, “I almost wish that there would be, like, a simultaneous telecast, and all Americans would be forced – forced at gunpoint no less – to listen to every David Barton message, and I think our country would be better for it. I wish it’d happen.”
David Barton is leading promoter of the American history revisionist theory that America was founded as a Christian nation. He also believes the Declaration of Independence is a "collection of sermons" and the Constitution came straight "from the Bible".
Huckabee was the candidate I most feared during the 2008 Republican primary because he clearly aspired to be not only America's Commander-In-Chief but also its Supreme Spiritual Leader.
So long, Huck'. You've just made yourself unelectable.
UPDATE: HRC sent a nationwide action alert to its 1.3 million members and supporters, asking them to sign a petition to the three leading anti-LGBT fundamentalist pastors to stop exporting hate in the name of religion. Planning is underway for nationwide vigils honoring the life of David Kato.
Three weeks after winning a lawsuit against a Ugandan rag for their infamous "Hang Them" piece which listed promonent homosexual names and addresses, gay activist David Kato was bludgeoned in his home with a hammer. *See Cato interview below*
For its 2 October issue, [Rolling Stone - no relation to the American mag] pictured Kato and another man on the front page under the words "Hang them", and the sub-headlines "We Shall Recruit 100,000 Innocent Kids by 2012: Homos" and "Parents now face heart-breaks [sic] as homos raid schools".
A few weeks later Rolling Stone carried another frontpage story with the headline "More homos' faces exposed", with the identities of 17 people inside. [Guardian]
It's an old theme. THEY are coming for your CHILDREN.
Sarah Palin's recent use of the phrase "blood libel" sparked outrage because its an infamous slur that Jews kill Christian babies to make Matzo. The Nazi's used such propaganda to suggest that Jews (and homosexuals) were a threat to good German children.
Though admittedly most people had to check Wikipedia to find out if they should be angry or not, it was more her tone which was offensive in light of the Tucson tragedy.
Nevertheless, it points to the long history of using children to instill fear and hate.
Illustration (right) from the antisemitic
children's book, The Poisonous
Mushroom, in which a Jewish man
is depicted as a child molester
attempting to lure German children
with candy. [The Breman Museum]
Author Nathan James first noted the parallels for GBM News:
Seventy-three years ago, Germans awoke one morning to read in the Volkischer Beobachter, a virulently anti-Semitic, anti-gay newspaper, that their Jewish and gay neighbors had been publicly identified and targeted for death. The paper’s editors decried Jews and gays as “threats to Germany’s children”, and to their society as a whole ... The use of the press to single out these “hated” groups facilitated the orgy of violence that followed.
... as in 1938 Germany, the damage had already been done: there comes news this morning that a gay man named in the Rolling Stone hit piece, David Kato, had been bludgeoned to death in his Mukono home—in broad daylight.
Most comparisons to Nazis in today's rhetoric are just wrong and offensive.
But as a list of 400 Rabbis have signed a letter condemning Glenn Beck for Nazi-baiting and claiming George Soros helped send his fellow Jews to the camps, here is a REAL and undeniable parallel.
Inciting hate. Using children. This method is even older than the Nazis, yet the religious right continues to employ these tactics. David Bahati, 'Pastor' Martin Ssempa and their American Evangelical puppetmasters like Scott Lively & Rick Warren have David Cato's blood on their hands.
Don't laugh, this is the face of the religious right in America. And it isn't even funny, considering the influential company this "gay demon" exorcist keeps.
Over the weekend, Cindy Jacobs of Generals International posted a new video prompted by the fact that, as a prophet, people have been asking her about the meaning behind the recent rash of bird deaths ... to which she replied that it might be due to the fact that America is violating God's prohibition on homosexuality with support for gay marriage and the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell: [RightWingWatch]
"According to biblical principles, marriage is between a man and a woman, so we have to say “what happens when a nation makes a decision that’s against God’s principles?” Well, often what happens is that nature itself will begin to talk to us..."
...Yada, yada, yada. The “biblical principals” for marriage, actually, is one man and as many women as he could afford. Read your bible lady – and burn that jacket. Please.
Renato Seabra, the 20-year-old Portuguese model charged in the bloody murder of TV producer and gay activist Carlos Castro, says in his confession that Castro’s “homosexuality” was the reason for his castration and killing, according to the NYPD. Castro, 65, and Seabra arrived in New York City from their native Portugal on December 29, and checked into the recently-opened InterContinental Hotel in Times Square together, sources said.
Seabra’s mother, Odilia Pereirinhra, speaking on Portuguese television, asserted that her son “was not Carlos Castro’s lover. He never hid his sexuality, which is heterosexual.” Other accounts of the two men’s relationship by friends and fashion-industry insiders in Portugal, say Seabra and Castro, who paid for the trip to New York, were a couple.
As a 40 something gay man who’s head is frequently and shamelessly turned by the young and the beautiful, there is no doubt what the nature of their relationship was. In an interview with a Portuguese newspaper near his hometown, Seabra (who was also a basketball star and a reality show minor celebrity in his native Portugal) described himself as "religious and shy" - yet, apparently, he thought nothing of whoring himself for "months" to advance his career. We have to wonder why he suddenly changed his mind and flipped out.
After reaching the reality show finals, Seabra said, "That same night, I prayed to God, saying thank you. And the next morning, I woke up to pray again." Check out our budding killer below (courtesy Joe.My.God)
Hmmm.... a tormented gay twisted by dogma and driven to bludgeon and sexually mutilate? Maybe he missed the 'thou shalt not kill' passage in the world's goriest tome. Still, this may be another possible victim of the religious brain gone awry. Raise a child with beliefs that the Bible is sacrosanct then abominable acts become reasonable - like this murder, and this.
Seabra’s mom clearly is in denial, which is not unexpected or uncommon. Parents of killers alleging they were enraged by their victims homosexuality (as if it came as a sudden surprise) never admit what is clear to the rest of us – that their child willingly became involved with an openly gay MUCH older man, most likely to advance their careers by association or just for plain old hard cash.
"This kid was probably looking for fame and money," said Luis Pires, editor of the Portuguese newspaper Luso Americano and a friend of Castro's in a Daily News article. "He took a chance to be very close to a man who could promote him. It was a risky relationship."
If this was a hetero May/December affair — such as the infamous marriage of 26yr-old Anna Nicole and 89yr-old J. Howard Marshall – the monikers of “gold-digger” and “dirty old man” remain, yet society still sees him as a player with a ‘wink wink’, Hugh Hefner sort of acceptance that one of his age can still bag a hottie (even if with money - and Viagra).
However with a same sex couple of this variety, the older man is seen by far too many as a predator — which is an infuriating double standard. Comments like this one on the NY Post article make the moronic point that these killers are somehow justified:
I think Carlos drugged and abused the kid. If he indeed killed him, was probably because he noticed he was taken advantaged of. Seabra is a nice shy person! I think that if he did it, he probably had a very strong reason - after all, nobody kills for petty reasons.
The word "abomination" comes to mind. It's all the religious brain hears, and is reason enough for all sorts of horror.
Though I don’t believe that his religion or gay “stigma” will effect the outcome of this brutal murder in the long run, the fact that Seabra is in Bellevue as a head case instead of on Rikers Island where he belongs is troubling.
Maybe Bellevue is always the first stop for deranged killers and he belongs there. Or maybe I’m just being sensitive because gay murders so often have to overcome stigma and that notorious "ick" factor to receive equal justice.
Conclusions ...
Carlos Castro didn’t deserve such a brutal and ignominious end to his life (just because he wanted something young and beautiful on his arm like many of us do).
Some of us will now question every young beauty who enters our lives (and ascertain their religious views to weed out fundie nutcases on the edge).
And Renato Seabra will have the rest his life in a cell to figure out why he threw everything away because one nice old man thought he was beautiful. ~
Despite offering a tepid apology last summer for giving political contributions to anti-gay candidates, retail giant TARGET continues this practice, even contributing the campaign coffers of Minnesota's Michele Bachmann who compares gay marriage to terrorism and says that same-sex couples are a major threat to American children, and, uh... who is also dreaming of the White House. Oh, the horror.
SMDH (@ Target)
Emily Dievendorf, policy director at Equality Michigan, put the ultimate punctuation mark on the reason LGBT people should be upset about Target's continued anti-gay political activisism.
"When corporations do choose to take active roles in political races, they should be prepared to have consumers interpret their support as an indication of their corporate values."
Truer words were never said. Supporters of equality should consider where they put their dollars, and whether those dollars will go to support nightmare candidacies like:
Bachmann 2012 - Unleash the Crazies!
Change.org has a petition. Send a message to Target by signing it. ~